The TL;DR version of this is: hello—still here—with some WIP while away from social media.
I've spent the past couple of months working on new goods and experimenting with new materials, papers, and formats. This is a stack on my desk from two weeks ago, a lot of which have changed by now—all part of the creative process / magic / affliction.
I started taking time away from social media when I needed time to focus on making things. Over time, away from the algorithm that has decided I liked certain things and should only be served more and more of the same, and away from the content-generating treadmill that trained me to post certain things in certain ways, to keep Design Hatch's social media stats from nose-diving, I've become more creative, asked more questions, found more solutions, wrote more things down by hand, discovered new things, and had more interesting thoughts and conversations. All this is to say: less social media leads to more profoundly fulfilling work and life.
It makes me think that for all of us who love and choose to take notes, journal, draw, make art, write, write letters, and put all sorts of things on paper in this day and age, it's the stubborn act of clinging to our humanity and our ability to make meaning and magic.
As I've done most of the work on these creative projects and about to make more time for social media once again, I thought it would be good to carve out a separate space, this blog for the same reason—to make meaning, not content. Good for stats and sales? I'm not sure, but certainly good for me, and ultimately good for my work here on Design Hatch.
On to some non-news (because hardly any of these are ready yet!), I'd like to share the gist of what I've been so excitedly working on:
- A6 TN covers, yes, leather!
- 2 notebooks
- 3 planner/journals
- 4 notepads
- 8 pocket stickers, some in transparent and washi finishes! These are already available in Common Room Rockwell, and soon, online.
- new greeting cards
It's been some good time with fulfilling creative work for me, and I hope to share more about what came of it, when I can!